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Company Downloads Outline of Procedures

Overview  |  Outline of Procedures  |  The WinAA Download Manager  |  The IVANS Transfer Manager  |  Retrieving Files  |  Viewing Downloads  |  Handling Discrepancies  |  Supported Companies  |  Download Programs

Outline of Procedures

  1. Download and install the WinAA Download Manager

  2. Download and install the IVANS Transfer Manager

  3. Call one company and request an Ivans Yaccount and UserID

  4. Call the Agency Advantage Support Desk at 800-442-5447 with the Ivans Yaccount and UserID.

  5. Set up and configure the IVANS mailboxes

  6. Run an IVANS session to send a WAH message

  7. If downloading from companies that require the IE mailbox, download and install the IVANS Transfer Manager .NET

  8. Configure the IVANS Transfer Manager .NET mailboxes

  9. Request files from companies

  10. Retrieve the files from the company software (this may be done automatically) and retrieve the files from the IVANS mailboxes

  11. Process the files and post them to your Agency Advantage database.

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