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Support Article: Using the Batch Scan Utility  

Batch scanning provides a quick and efficient way of getting your documents into the Agency Advantage. In order to use this portion of the software, you must have a TWAIN compatible scanner. Please take a look at our Scanner Review for more information about scanners.

In Agency Advantage, at the toolbar at the top, click on Document Management, then Batch Scanning. This will open up a new program window.

At the bottom of the window there is a question mark button. Clicking on this button explains the steps to scan your documents.

Step 1: The first time you use the Batch Scan utility you will need to select your scanner device. Once you have selected it, you will not have to select it again. Make sure and select the TWAIN driver for your scanner.

Step 2: Simply click on the scan button at the bottom. The scanner driver software will now show up on your screen. For maximum performance and minimal file size, make sure to select "Black and White" or "Greyscale" in the color options of the scanner as well as choosing less than 200 DPI in resolution. If you scan in color you are risking running out of storage space!

Step 3: After you have scanned your documents, you now need to attach them to the customer folder.

Step 4: Post them to the database.

You will now be able to see the images in the Customer Folder under Attachments and Images.

Also see:
Batch File
Selecting a scanner

Written by:Tina Stewart



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